Jobs in Greece

Jobs in Greece

Explore a wide range of job opportunities and find your next career adventure with our list of international vacancies.
36 vacancies
Start working remote as a Italian-speaking Customer service Agent in Greece
Start working remote as a Italian-speaking Customer service Agent in Greece
Customer Service Agent
Italian + English
Work remotely in Greece 🇬🇷
Work as a Polish or Hungarian- speakinging Content Moderator in Greece
Work as a Polish or Hungarian- speakinging Content Moderator in Greece
Content Moderator
Thessaloniki, Greece
Polish/Hungarian + English
Flight included 🛩️
Start as a French-speaking Customer Advisor in Athens
Start as a French-speaking Customer Advisor in Athens
Customer Advisor
Athens, Greece
French + English
Flight included 🛩️
Remote Italian-speaking Customer Service Agent wanted in Greece for a travel company
Remote Italian-speaking Customer Service Agent wanted in Greece for a travel company
Customer Service Agent
Italian + English
Work remotely in Greece 🇬🇷
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Become a Spanish-speaking Content Moderator in Greece
Become a Spanish-speaking Content Moderator in Greece
Content Moderator
Athens, Greece
Spanish + English
Flight included 🛩️
Work remote as a French-speaking Customer Service Agent
Work remote as a French-speaking Customer Service Agent
Customer Service Agent
French + English
Work remotely in Greece 🇬🇷
Start as a Portuguese-speaking Customer Service Agent remote in Greece
Start as a Portuguese-speaking Customer Service Agent remote in Greece
Customer Service Agent
Portuguese + English
Work remotely in Greece 🇬🇷
Work as a Hebrew-speaking Content Moderator in Greece
Work as a Hebrew-speaking Content Moderator in Greece
Content Moderator
Thessaloniki, Greece
Hebrew + English
Sign up bonus of up to €1,000 💸
Become a Polish or Czech-speaking Sales Representative in Athens
Become a Polish or Czech-speaking Sales Representative in Athens
Sales Representative
Athens, Greece
Polish/Czech + English
Flight included 🛩️
Work as a Spanish or Italian-speaking B2B Sales Representative in Athens
Work as a Spanish or Italian-speaking B2B Sales Representative in Athens
Sales Representative
Athens, Greece
Spanish/Italian + English
Health insurance included 🏥
Work as Danish-speaking Technical Support Agent in Athens
Work as Danish-speaking Technical Support Agent in Athens
Technical Support Agent
Athens, Greece
Danish + English
Flight included 🛩️
Norwegian or Finnish-speaking B2B Tech and Sales Representatives wanted in Athens
Norwegian or Finnish-speaking B2B Tech and Sales Representatives wanted in Athens
B2B Sales and Tech Sales Representative
Athens, Greece
Finnish/Norwegian + English
Flight included 🛩️
Work as a Danish-speaking Content Moderator in Greece
Work as a Danish-speaking Content Moderator in Greece
Content Moderator
Thessaloniki, Greece
Danish + English
Flight included 🛩️
Work as a Norwegian or Swedish-speaking Content Moderator in Thessaloniki
Work as a Norwegian or Swedish-speaking Content Moderator in Thessaloniki
Content Moderator
Thessaloniki, Greece
Norwegian + English
Flight included 🛩️
Work as a Polish-speaking Customer Service Agent in Athens
Work as a Polish-speaking Customer Service Agent in Athens
Customer Service Agent
Athens, Greece
Polish + English
Flight included 🛩️

Vacancies abroad can come in all shapes, roles, and industries. Yobbers offers a diverse range of jobs abroad tailored to various preferences and career paths. Choose from our various locations and language options that suit your preferences and skills to find the perfect option for you! Each position offers a chance for personal growth and self-discovery. Find the role that aligns with your skills and interests, and embark on a unique journey abroad with Yobbers as your travel partner. Apply now for a job abroad and unlock the doors to an unforgettable adventure with Yobbers!